Safe Signals
Silver Tier
Last updated
Silver Tier
Last updated
Available to Private Channel. Not available to the Public Channel.
These are signals generated from Volume Surge but additional safety criteria has been added which includes:
Bundle check
Top 10 check
Top 25 check
Dev Scam History Check
Dev Buy check
Do take note though that there will be a lot less signals called and there might be runners which might be in the other signals but filtered here.
Frequency: 25-75/day 2x Win Rate: 45% Initial market cap: 50-200k Average X: 5x - 7.5x Median X: 2.1x Risk Level: Moderate Recommended Position Size: 2.5% of wallet size Trading Difficulty: High (Price is very volatile due to volume)
Employ the strategy above.
Do last minute security checks with:
Check if this is a cabal coin, or an insider coin with: If it is, you want to take your initials out as soon as possible.
Check bundles with @TrenchScannerBot, must be a maximum of 20-30%. Higher than that and you'll just get dumped on unless you just want to scalp for a 50% to 2x.
Open the Whale Feed from Misc Signals and check for consecutive buy in from whales.